Please contact us by any of the following means

If you are already a client, please contact us by phone or by email at any time, day or night. If you are contacting us for the first time, please provide us with the information requested below, or call our office directly.

As a "primary care" law firm, we are committed to evaluating your legal concern and responding to your inquiry quickly. If we are unable to handle your concern personally, we will make every effort to recommend a competent professional who can.

ADDRESS: 382 Washington St.
Norwell, MA 02061
PHONE: (781) 659-4450
FAX: (781) 659-4459


Your Name:
Your E-Mail:
Organization (if applicable):
Zip Code:
Please tell us a little about your situation
(all information will be held confidential)

By visiting our website and providing this information, no attorney-client confidentiality agreement has been created between you and Kethro & Thomas.
Please remember that the internet and email are not confidential means for conveying information. Any information or communication you send to our office through the internet or by email may not be treated as either confidential or privileged.

This website does not provide legal advice or constitute an agreement to represent any person in need of legal assistance. The law changes almost daily, so no one should act in a situation that affects his or her legal rights without seeking professional legal counsel.