The backbone of any law firm is its support staff. Our team at Kethro & Thomas is nothing short of exceptional. Both Mimi Cadogan and Jean Loud have been with Kethro & Thomas P.C. from the time we started more than 22 years ago, so it is not uncommon for them to handle many client needs independently, efficiently, and quickly, while Don and Gary are in court, meeting with other clients, or are otherwise unable to return a call quickly or respond immediately to an urgent need. Our staff knows where our attorneys are at all times and can put you in touch quickly if necessary.
We hope that, when you call or visit our office, you will have the opportunity to meet our staff personally.
Mimi Cadogan
Your interaction with Attorney Don Kethro will likely include Mimi. She has worked for Don for over 24 years, handling all real estate matters, purchase and sales transactions, and scheduling loan closings with lenders. Mimi is virtually always available to Don's clients, and we encourage you to contact her at any time.
Mimi has always enjoyed her working relationship at Kethro & Thomas, and in particular, working for Don Kethro. "Don is great to work for. He is truly kind and considerate and always has the client's best interests at heart. In our line of work, there is always a crisis to deal with, and Don and I work well together to address each client's individual concerns quickly. Over the many years I have assisted Don, I have seen how sincere he is in his relationships with clients; he is diligent and achieves excellent tangible results. I wouldn't trade my job for any other."
Jean Loud
Jean is primarily Gary Thomas' "first line of contact." For his probate work and family law, Jean maintains close contact with clients. She helps draft pleadings and wills, and spends considerable time assisting clients involved in divorces and other traumatic legal situations. "For these people," she says, "deadlines and stress are what it is all about. I simply try to ease their anxiety."
Jean views Gary as being "compassionate and accommodating." She says, "Gary really recognizes the difficulties of each situation and adjusts his schedule and procedures to make it as easy as possible for clients and to set them at ease. I love getting to know clients on a personal level and am thrilled when I receive a call of thanks or a nice note from an appreciative client."